So we tried on the hand-me-down costumes Cousins Matt & Jen gave us. I'm not sure they are going to fit Reef in a month as they were pretty snug tonight! The legs are where we need some more room! They are 3-6 month costumes, so you would think a 3 1/2 month old (a little over 4 months on Halloween) would fit in them, right? I'll let you decide which is cuter! I'm kinda partial to the giraffe, just because I LOVE giraffes and it has a cute hood, but the frog is super cute with the little hat (I did have to practically yank it on his head though!) It's not like we are going to be trick-or-treating for a long time, we're just going to hit up some of our neighbors we know, probably Jeff & Letti's and Di & Ken's.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Halloween costumes...
So we tried on the hand-me-down costumes Cousins Matt & Jen gave us. I'm not sure they are going to fit Reef in a month as they were pretty snug tonight! The legs are where we need some more room! They are 3-6 month costumes, so you would think a 3 1/2 month old (a little over 4 months on Halloween) would fit in them, right? I'll let you decide which is cuter! I'm kinda partial to the giraffe, just because I LOVE giraffes and it has a cute hood, but the frog is super cute with the little hat (I did have to practically yank it on his head though!) It's not like we are going to be trick-or-treating for a long time, we're just going to hit up some of our neighbors we know, probably Jeff & Letti's and Di & Ken's.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Great grandma Ruth's 80th
We went to Crete to celebrate my grandma's (Reef's great grandma) 80th birthday which is actually tomorrow. We had a good time at mom and dad's eating and talking. It was good to see most of our immediate family there. The only person missing was my cousin Justin. Uncle Dave and Aunt Amy came down from Colorado and Jarod & Stacey came down from Papillion. Grandma Dee and Kurt & Deb showed up as well. We had chicken cordon bleu (take a chicken breast -pound it flat, marinate it in italian dressing, then put ham & a small piece of string cheese in it and wrap it with a piece of bacon. It's amazing!), steamed veggies & smashed potatoes, not to mention cake and ice cream. Grandma was really windy too and got the whole box of candles blown out with one puff. We all cheered after she did that and Reef started crying! WE had just finished singing happy birthday (and he loves music) and all of a sudden we're cheering. The crying was understandable! A good time, but I forgot my camera at home! :*( Hopefully Aunt Amy or grandma's pictures turn out so we can have some!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
First night away from my little man
As I mentioned, I went to Lindsay's bachelorette party tonight while Jared & Rick enjoyed the football game and Cyndi and Reef got some more bonding experiences at Melichar's while tailgating! It was hard leaving him, but I figured I had to start sometime and it was a good cause. We decided to have Reef stay at Rick & Cyndi's because he would be asleep already and they wanted to enjoy him and show him off at church on Sunday. Reef had a good time as always and had his first shower with grampy Rick. Rick said he didn't cry, but he wasn't too sure of it. He's a water baby, so I'm sure he will get used to it and LOVE it, just like his baths. He slept good for them and was just an easy going guy as usual. I won't be ready for another overnight for awhile, but it was a good start!
Tonight was my friend Lindsay's bachelorette party in Omaha. I decided it would be best for me to stay at her house instead of driving home late. I ended up having a really good time catching up with old friends and meeting new friends. It's going to be a real party at the wedding if us girls have any say! We started out at a scrapbooking place which turned out to be really fun. I really want to start making Reef a scrapbook of his first year and so on. We went back to Lindsay's for some drinks, cake, games and presents. Of course being away from my boy, I had to find time to pump, so I made sure the girls didn't do anything without me!
We went to The Upstream for supper (and to catch the game!) then on to tackle a few bars. We had a good time at The Stumble Inn where a few of us rode the mechanical bull. I'd never done that before so I definitely had to give it a whirl. Although I took pictures of my friends riding, I forgot to have them take pics with my camera, so I will have to get some from my friends cameras! I'm sure I look really great!
Jen looking good trying to stay on.
After the bull experience we chugged a beer and moved on to our next spot, Lit. These first two bars really weren't that crowded and we chalked it up to the game, but our third bar, which was right next door to Lit was crazy crowded. I can't for the life of me remember the name, but it's okay, we had a great time. We closed down the bar and headed back to Lindsay's for some more female bonding. I don't think some of us went to bed until 2:30 or 3:00. Boy was I not used to that. I still woke up at 8:30 because I had to get rid of some milk that was filling to the brim. All in all it was a great time! I can't wait for the wedding on October 10th!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Rolling, rolling, rolling...
Reef finally rolled over from his back to his tummy today! He's exactly 14 weeks today. I put him back in his crib after his "breakfast" at 6:00 am, and he wasn't quite asleep yet. He ended up waking up and chatted with his mobile. His tone suddenly changed and I went to see what the cause was and lo and behold, he was having some tummy time in his crib. He looked like he wasn't quite sure of what was going on! We really have to be careful where we lay him down now, he can't lie unattended on the bed anymore! What a big boy!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
The cabin
We had a great time this weekend at my parents cabin. We forgot to take pictures of the actual cabin, but we will be back soon! We had a relaxing supper and drinks on Friday night. My great aunt & uncle also have a cabin out there so we were able to hang out with them as well.
Saturday brought a BIG breakfast of pancakes, eggs & bacon. Boy were we stuffed!!! We ended up just having small sandwiches for lunch because we ate so much! Dad took Jared & I fishing with Uncle Doug's boat while mom stayed back with Reef. We were going to take Reef on the boat, but it was awfully sunny and we didn't bring a hat for him. We ate burgers at Uncle Doug & Aunt Carol's and boy were they tasty! We headed back home for a relaxing evening out on the patio watching the blaze in the new fire pit dad bought this morning! It got pretty chilly so I had my sweatshirt on, long socks up to my capris and a blanket wrapped around my legs!
Sunday was another relaxing morning and we pretty much just grazed. We all packed up around 2 and were headed home by 3 ( the boys had to take the boat out and store it in Uncle Doug's garage for the winter.) Reef slept nearly the whole way home and only woke up once while we fueled up. What a good boy!
Friday, September 19, 2008
3 month pictures
3 months old
Reef is 3 months old today! We got his pictures taken at J.C. Penney's and he did a great job. You will be able to see those at a later date. We had a busy day with pictures, visiting with Karli & Teagan at Panara, visiting Uncle Choo Choo & Aunt Di out at Horseshoe Lake, and picking daddy up at the Milford exit so we could head to Mexington...oops, I mean Lexington to Johnson Lake to g'ma/pa Mundt's cabin. This is a picture of Reef on our way to the Lake (He did a great job and we played most of the way there.) He's a little traveler and doesn't fuss much!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
The results
I forgot to mention that my little boy now weighs 14 lbs 2 oz and is 25 1/4 inches long!
So I set my alarm last night for 1:10 am, but my internal clock woke me up at 1:04 am. AMAZING. I crept into Reef's room and got ready to feed him (read: got my boob ready! :) I gingerly picked him up and sat in the glider. When he got close enough to smell the milk, he smiled in his sleep and latched right on. She was right, these babies know what to do! We rocked in sleepy silence for about 10 minutes and I put him back down in his crib. I slipped back into bed and was back in dreamland 5 minutes later. He slept until 6:15 (he went to bed at 7:30!) and was ready for the day after his morning meal. I got a sub call at 6:35 and we were out the door by 7:15. What a morning! I must say that even after that 10 minute feeding at 1 am, I could tell my milk supply had already increased as I pumped today at Park Middle School ( 6th graders~! Yikes! They were really well behaved and I even knew some of the Everett 5th graders from last year.)
The picture is from tonight ( and I hate how you can't rotate the "smartly" does it for you, but isn't always right.) Reef had a sleepy day and was zonked at 6:30 tonight. I think he may have caught the slight cold I had this past weekend. I just can't keep my kisses away from that cute little boy. Can you blame me? I just hope it goes away by Friday as we have his 3 month pictures scheduled at JC Penney portrait studio! I hope all goes well for these professional pictures...he always does fine for my mommy portrait studio!
Monday, September 15, 2008
For those of you who don't know about milkworks, it is a wonderful place for ALL your babies needs, especially if you are attempting to breastfeed. I went in today because I needed some extra pumping supplies as it's nice to have extras when going back to work, I also wanted to weigh Reef on their baby scale to see how much he's gaining because he turns 3 months on FRIDAY! I can't believe it. Time has flown.
I definitely got my money's worth of information when I asked about keeping my milk supply up as I go back to work and can only pump 2 times during the 8 hours I'm away from Reef ( and he's still eating every 2-3 hours...mostly 2!) I also told her that he's sleeping between 8-12 hours at a stretch at night and to factor that in. Well, she told me that in order to keep the milk a flowing, I need to get up between the hours of 1 am and 3 am when the milk is starting to build for the day, even if Reef ISN'T waking. I could either get up and pump or pick him up and feed him while he sleeps. I decided that tonight I would try feeding him while he sleeps and go from there. Also, she said that at this age he should only need a 4 oz bottle (we'd been giving him 5 oz, because he would eat it) so we are also going to try that tomorrow. Lots of NEW when you have a baby.
I definitely got my money's worth of information when I asked about keeping my milk supply up as I go back to work and can only pump 2 times during the 8 hours I'm away from Reef ( and he's still eating every 2-3 hours...mostly 2!) I also told her that he's sleeping between 8-12 hours at a stretch at night and to factor that in. Well, she told me that in order to keep the milk a flowing, I need to get up between the hours of 1 am and 3 am when the milk is starting to build for the day, even if Reef ISN'T waking. I could either get up and pump or pick him up and feed him while he sleeps. I decided that tonight I would try feeding him while he sleeps and go from there. Also, she said that at this age he should only need a 4 oz bottle (we'd been giving him 5 oz, because he would eat it) so we are also going to try that tomorrow. Lots of NEW when you have a baby.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
First laughs!
Tonight Reef had his first giggle-fest. I was in the house getting my stuff while Rick & Cyndi were waiting in the car with Reef and good ol' grampy Rick entertained Reef with the jittery lion enough to have him rolling with laughter! I wish I could have heard him. We tried when I got back, but I only got a few laughs. I hope it works in the future!!! Go figure it would be a Lion that would make him ROAR with laughter! hehehe, I know, I'm hilarious :)
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Zoo fun
Today was Reef's first zoo experience and I think he had a great time. We went up to Omaha to the zoo with Erica & Claire and met up with Jenn, Jackson, & Joe. It was a good time had by all. The babies did pretty good and Jackson, being the typical nearly 3 year old was a ball of energy. I through everything together so fast I forgot my camera, so Erica and Jenn took a few pictures for me! We took a picture of Reef by the living coral reefs and also by a gorilla. They should turn out pretty good. I know the mommies had a good time! It was funny coordinating 3 breast fed babies schedules, but for the most part, they all ate at the same time. The monkeys and giraffes are always my favorites, and I couldn't really tell what part Reef enjoyed besides lunch time! I know he was entranced with the jungles foliage and didn't like the dark areas that were inside the aquarium, but besides that, he was a happy go lucky guy. Claire did win the best behaved baby award by being happy the entire trip, but Joe & Reef did a nice job as well. This will be the first of many Timperley/Rohrs outings!!!
Monday, September 8, 2008
Back to School
Well, I had my first day back to school, and it wasn't so horrible. I subbed at Humann Elementary in a Kindergarten classroom. If you know me well, you know that I usually don't sub for anything under 2nd grade, but it's a new year and I figured, what the heck? And you know what?? It wasn't too bad. Maybe it's because I have my own child now, or maybe I just had a good class. Whatever the reason, I think I can handle Kindergarteners on a regular basis. I still PREFER 3-5th grade, but I'm open to new things!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Food, Friends, & Football
We had a good turnout at our first Husker party of the year. We ordered pay-per-view and had a few of our closest friends over: Joe & Ivy; Dan, Courtney & Renae; Jeff & Kristy; Verne, Steph & Crew; Lindsey; Josh; Erik (our new friend, a swim coach who works with Ivy); Jake & Kim. We had a great time from 10:30am - 12:30am! It was a LOOOOONNNNGGG day, but it was fun. We dined on tailgate specialties, chips & salsa, guacamole, ham snacks, crackers & cheese, cheese & almond dip, and of course burgers, brats, chicken and all the fixins!!! Can't wait to do it again!
Oh yeah, and the Gators won, too!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
So I finally got "hired" to sub in the LPS system. It took them 4 weeks and a day to get everything processed. Pretty ridiculous since I've been in the system for nearly 4 years! Not to mention actually having a teaching contract last year....hmmmm....doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that I'm probably okay to hire. Anyway, I have been so anxious to get back into teaching, I really do miss it, but as I sat thinking today that I could have a job tomorrow, I got sad. I really am going to miss my baby boy. I am, however, VERY thankful that we have a wonderful babysitter lined up (Grammy Cyndi!) and am not worried about his care. I'll just miss his smiles and babbles, and his wonderful baby smell. The snuggles he gives when he's getting tired and the squeals he has when he's excited.
I'm also nervous about finding places to pump and working everything out in that sense. I'm sure it will fall into place and go just fine! If you know any teachers in the LPS system, give them my sub id # 12508 and tell them to request me!
I'm also nervous about finding places to pump and working everything out in that sense. I'm sure it will fall into place and go just fine! If you know any teachers in the LPS system, give them my sub id # 12508 and tell them to request me!
More cute pics...
Here are a couple cute ones. I'm not ready for this colder weather. I still have a couple cute warm weather outfits Reef needs to wear! It was kinda fun playing "dress up" with our long sleeve shirts and pants, but then I realized, we're going to have many months of this, so come back 75-80 degree weather!
Isn't this a devilish grin I have???
We have been going through bibs like crazy. He's a drool king, but I don't think it's from teething.... I could be wrong, but it seems he just has a lot of spittle!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Never too early...
This was Reef and Teagan's 2nd "play date." We went on a walk and then just hung out at Karli's.
Always fun mommy time, too!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Monday, September 1, 2008
FOOTBALL is here!
Reef had his first Husker football experience this weekend. He was all decked out in some of his football cheering gear (which is a size 3-6 and he's already filling it out :( ) and ready to root for the huskers. We had a good time tailgating at Melichar's and then Jared, Rick, Uncle Dan & I got to go to the game while Grammy Cyndi stayed with Reef at Melichar's gas station. Jared pooped out on the game after 1st quarter. I left at halftime and Rick and Dan followed after the 3rd. We all hung out back at the station until we got our car out and headed home. It was a great time and I can't wait for more!
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