We headed out to Horseshoe Lake where Ken and Di keep their camper and have a cute little refuge from the city. We ate at Big Red Keno with Rick, Cyndi, Denny & Audrey (the Illinois guests!) and then headed out to the lake to watch the Gators kick some Bulldog butt! It was a gorgeous afternoon and we enjoyed some retirement cake and snackies along with some cold ones during the game. I finally dressed Reef in some Gator gear because Jared has asked me to, and I thought he looked pretty cute in the orange and blue, although he looks WAY better in red and white!
After the game we headed back into town to watch the Huskers try to beat Oklahoma and of course I forgot my camera at the lake and didn't get to take a picture of Reef's husker outfit. I had to change his clothes to watch this game of course! Steph and Art brought over a smoked turkey that we had for supper and we had a good time hanging out and eating more retirement cake during the game. It was a great day to spend outside.
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