Wednesday, March 4, 2009

103* fever

Tonight Reef had a 103.2* fever and it was kinda scary. He wasn't acting any differently except he took a long nap on our 2+ hour walk and then fell asleep on the way home as well! I first noticed he was warm while we were at the mall this noon and he was fussy, but he still had his lightweight jacket on, and as soon as I took it off, he was acting better. We went on a nice walk with Bre and the boys, Steph and Crew and Dez. Reef normally takes about a 30 min. nap on these walks but today he was fussy for the first 10 minutes and then slept for nearly 1 1/2 hours and then was content for the rest of the walk. When we got back to Breanna's he played for a bit and then we headed home.

On the ride home he fell asleep but woke up as soon as we got in the house. I noticed his eyes were a little watery and he felt warmer, but he still had his jacket on and the car was kinda warm. We played for about an hour before I took his temp under his arm and it was 102.4. Jared got home while Reef was eating supper and we (I) decided to take his temperature rectally to get a more acurate read. I knew under the arm is about 1* different, but I wanted to double check. Sure enough it was 103.2 and I decided to call the Telephone Line to Care that is through our Pediatrician's office & St. E's. The nurse asked me a bunch of questions and she decided that if his temp was going down with some tylenol it should be fine, but if it hits 105 or he has any worse symptoms we should go to the ER. I assummed it would be fine, but just wanted to double check because 103 sounds awefully high for a little guy, but since he was acting normally, I wasn't too worried.

I will keep you posted on his well being. He is peacefully sleeping as of 8:00 and I hope we get a good night's rest! Wish us luck and health.


Nicole said...

I hope Reef's temperature has gone down. It is a good thing that he didn't appear to feel bad, though...that is hard to watch. Ella has had a stuffed up nose and that's been hard enough for me! :)

sburesh said...

Hopefully he is feeling better! keep us posted!