So, I know it's been too long...but as many of you know, buying a house and getting settled takes time, especially with a child!
It has now been almost a year since we bought our house and we have done lots to it, and still have lots to go.
Some of the home improvements have been to build a fence to enclose the yard, move the garden fence to just enclose the vegetable garden, transplant most of the flowers from the flower garden to elsewhere around the house, paint one wall in the master bedroom, touch up paint in Reef's room, yard work, yard work, yard work, etc.
I still want to do/NEED TO DO: build new room in basement (when baby #2 is finally conceived and on it's way), take down hideous borders in kitchen, living room and upstairs bathroom and re-paint. Paint current master bedroom for Reef's new room, organise basement and garage, and whatever else arises!
WE just got back from another week in Florida at the timeshare in Daytona, and it was lovely as always. I will try my best to keep up with the weeks as they continue to fly by.
Here is a little play by play of the last year:
August/September: I filled in for a long-term sub who was not doing her job and subsequently got herself fired.
October: Reef started his new daycare at the BIG BLUE HOUSE and we LOVE, Love, LOVE this place!
November: WE hosted thanksgiving here at the new house.
December: We hosted a new years party for many of our friends
January: I celebrated my birthday...Last year in my 20's.... Jared started his new job at John Henry's and he loves it!
February: Not much going on here besides snow...
March: We took a trip to the beach cottage with Rick & Cyndi and it was gorgeous as always
April/May: I did Ivy Johnson's long term @ Sacred Heart when she had Wyatt and had a great time working with 6th, 7th, & 8th graders.
June: Reef turned 3!!! Jared turned 31...and Enzo is now 7 years old.
July: Here we are, July again, we celebrated 6 years of marriage and in a few days we will have lived in this house for 1 year~
Time flies when you're having fun!
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