Monday, September 15, 2008


For those of you who don't know about milkworks, it is a wonderful place for ALL your babies needs, especially if you are attempting to breastfeed. I went in today because I needed some extra pumping supplies as it's nice to have extras when going back to work, I also wanted to weigh Reef on their baby scale to see how much he's gaining because he turns 3 months on FRIDAY! I can't believe it. Time has flown.

I definitely got my money's worth of information when I asked about keeping my milk supply up as I go back to work and can only pump 2 times during the 8 hours I'm away from Reef ( and he's still eating every 2-3 hours...mostly 2!) I also told her that he's sleeping between 8-12 hours at a stretch at night and to factor that in. Well, she told me that in order to keep the milk a flowing, I need to get up between the hours of 1 am and 3 am when the milk is starting to build for the day, even if Reef ISN'T waking. I could either get up and pump or pick him up and feed him while he sleeps. I decided that tonight I would try feeding him while he sleeps and go from there. Also, she said that at this age he should only need a 4 oz bottle (we'd been giving him 5 oz, because he would eat it) so we are also going to try that tomorrow. Lots of NEW when you have a baby.


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