Friday, December 19, 2008

1/2 b-day!

So today is Reef's 1/2 birthday and we had SUCH a busy day. I can't believe it's been 6 months since that morning of his goes by SOOOOO fast. It's funny that after just 6 short months you forget how small your baby was....when you hold a new baby, you think to yourself, there is just NO WAY your baby was EVER that small. As I hold my friend's babies, Reef looks like a little boy, not a baby, but I know he still has much more growing up to do and I will cherish each growth stage more than the last!

So far, Reef can: sit up by himself
scoot backwards and in a circle
get in the crawling position
get in the bear crawl position
roll all over
grasp objects
hold his own bottle (not all the time)
drink from a sippy with help
jump like crazy in the jumparoo (or with someone holding him!)
go from a sitting position to crawling position and back
much, much more!

He has made the transition into starting to go forward with scooting, so I know it will be ANY day now that he's moving all around!

Here is Reef excited that it's his 1/2 b-day:

1 comment:

EricAndErica said...

Happy 1/2 BDAY REEF!!! :) Yay!! So exciting.