Sunday, February 8, 2009

Dinner with Grammy and Grampy

We enjoyed Lazlo's take out at Rick and Cyndi's tonight as Cyndi has a quick trip turnaround. They both got back from Minnesota this afternoon and Cyndi leaves for Vegas tomorrow afternoon! Reef was showing off for them as they hadn't seen him for quite sometime. We were supposed to hang out before they left for MN, but we were all sick/recovering from the fun gastro-intestinal/stomach virus and we didn't want to spread it to them.

Reef ate some real peas and carrots tonight along with some real peaches! He LOVES finger food, although he mostly just smashes it between his fingers! Grammy and Grampy got to see Reef's tooth (and hopefully let great-grandma Glennie know that he finally has them!) and see how fast he has become as a crawler! Rick adjusted all 3 of us as much as he could and we were greatful to get the treatments!

Always a good time with grammy and grampy!

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